Are you considering contesting a Will because you have been unfairly left out? We help people in this very situation day in and day out. Whether you are trying to defend a contested estate or looking to contest an estate yourself, we have the expertise to help you fight for your entitlements.
I’m thinking about contesting a Will…
In most circumstances, you must contest a Will within 6 months of the grant of probate being issued, so you need to contact us as soon as possible! If more than 6 months have passed, you may still be able to make a claim. Call us today to discuss further.
Varga Lawyers provides a flexible and personalised service. We take the time to get to know you and your story so that we can provide a tailored service and achieve the best outcome for you. We appreciate that every person and family is different.
As leading specialists in estate litigation, we will attempt to resolve your claim as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. In fact, not all claims proceed to a court trial, with most being resolved through skilled negotiation. We keep you informed every step of the way to ensure that you have control of your claim.
Contact us to find out more and to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced estate lawyers.